Full Name
Gilles Babinet
Job Title
Entrepreuneur & Co-Chair
Speaker Bio
Self-taught, passionate about new technologies and political and social issues, Gilles Babinet has been an entrepreneur since the age of 22. He has founded numerous companies in fields as diverse as consulting (Absolut, Laitao), construction (Escalade Industrie), mobile music (Musiwave), co-creation (eYeka), decision-making tools (Captain Dash), etc. Since then, Gilles Babinet has taken on many responsibilities in the French digital landscape (co-chairman of the Conseil national du numérique) and in Europe (Digital Champion at the European Commission). Author of several books such as "Big data, penser l'homme et le monde autrement" or "Comment les hippies, Dieu et la science ont inventé Internet", published in May 2023, he is also a member of the board of the EDF Foundation, associate professor at INSP and HEC and has worked with the Institut Montaigne for over ten years on various projects relating to competitiveness and digital technology.